Tuesday, July 8, 2008

search engine task

record the number of hits in your learning log, and compare to your first search. What differences did you notice? Why? Which search, on first glance gave you the most promising results?

My default search engine is Google (as illustrated below) and the number of results can be seen as 25,300,000 based on my word search. This search took 0.30 seconds.

However, when I used Copernic to search the same words the result was only 90.

The difference between these two results is due to Google being a web index; a general search engine. It is built by software called a robot, spider or crawler, as it collects information from web pages and stores them in the one database.

Copernic is a web director and can classify web sites by subjects. Copernic is more selective in its process, as opposed to Google's way of indexing information.



In this task we have to download from the list we have been given that is unfamiliar to us:

PDF stands for 'portable document file'. I had this tool already installed in my computer. It allows me to read all the PDF files.

I had flash programme in my computer along with flash player come; without this player I cannot see any flash animation in any web sit.

I downloaded these software in my computer, enabling me to listen to music, play movies, tutorials, also my kids use it for animation purposes.


I did not have any prior knowledge about this programme but after reading I decided it would be helpful (I downloaded Copernic for PC) and it allows me to search the internet for anything of interest. The link for download is displayed below:

To read more about this programme, click on the link provided below:

5- Bookmark Manager

I used 'connote bookmark', (does not need to be downloaded) and I added some buttons in my browser and created my own library in connote.
The software has a library which I can easily add any page to this library by clicking on the button on my browser (add to connote library). The library function can also allow one to share a page with others or make it private. It also enables one to write notes, tags, descriptions and comments.
The important thing about it that I can access my library from any computer anytime and anywhere.

6- Offline Browser/Copier:

This software, saves time, is economical and easy to use. I was able to read information offline (after downloading and saving the document).

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Web 2.0

whats the difference between the two? what are the benefits? which format do you think you would like better and why?

whats the difference between the two:
Although content wise, the two lists appear identical yet its presentation styles are largely dissimilar. Unlike the HTML page, the Blinklist is not a mere lists of links rather a page of invitation for interested individuals to join the community for the purpose of creating links. However, the need of creating a log at the top page of the site will make one a member of the community. Moreso, whatever links are chosen will have their own community rating system.

what are the benefits:
HTML version simply conveys information about links, additional content is not available. Advantageous to an HTML version is its easy loading due to less content. The ratings scheme of Blinklist is useful and relevant to people, as valuable content can be recognized by the community and the author receives recognition for it.

Which format do you think you would like better and why?

Web 2.0 Blinklist is preferably practical to choose for it provides substantial content elements, and allows us to create a personal account with information stored securely. Moreover, implementation of community around the information is the best way to ensure its relevance to the audience. This reality gradually makes applications to move further away from desktop programs and content availability is accessible to anyone.

In your learning log, record your thoughts. Consider various uses for blogs such as citizen journalism and personal blogging. Have you seen in your ne

In your learning log, record your thoughts. Consider various uses for blogs such as citizen journalism and personal blogging. Have you seen in your net travels any interesting uses for blogs? This blog entry is an opportunity to tell us what you really think of blogging!

I was not aware of the uses of blogs prior to the NET11 course. I read more about blogs before creating one (uses of, purpose).

To put it simply, a blog is a website one can create for many different reasons. For example, the blog I created was used to record all my study tasks in. similar to a journal or newspaper, one can add information at any time and the readers can see what you have done and can also share your idea by writing comments in reply.

I see a lot of uses for blogs in my net travels. Blogs that have taken my interest can be located on the following address:

http://katecizek.blogspot.com/ (about Asia)

http://franzmieru.blogspot.com/ (about music)

http://lofoto.blogspot.com/ (about children)

FTP uploading

FTP uploading

I had already uploaded my index.html to the presentation area so, when I tried to upload through FTP, the programme already existed and I was given the option to overwrite it. This is the URL for my web page :


I would to thanks KATHERINA for her help in upload my web page to presentation area

thanks a lot KATHERINA.


have you used images or words on your web page or website that contravene copyright laws?

I have not used any images in my website that contravene copyright laws. I designed my image in Photoshop, and I used it in my website. I used 'chef.gif' from the tutorial website; 'pagetutor.com', which states: "Let's get into putting images into a web page" (p. 1). This image was designed for students to use according to the tutor's permission.

Would you be in breach of copyright if you put the Curtin logo at the top of your web page for an assignment?

From the Curtin website I found the following:

Curtin University material
"Material in which Curtin University owns copyright, and which is not classified as 'Confidential', may be copied without any requirement for special permission to be granted (Notification of the originator would be a courtesy). There are no limits to the amount that can be copied or the form of reproduction or communication. Access should normally be restricted to Curtin staff and students. Make it clear on any copies or communication of the material that Curtin is the copyright owner".

The use of Curtin logo for students’ assignment appeared to be legible to use for student assignment purposes. However, the use of the logo does not necessarily require written formal permission from the originator. If the logo is attached to the assignment and is being published outside the Curtin Organization, it is legally imperative to ask permission to do so, with the logo clearly visible on the document.

what you believe are the 5 most important ‘rules’ for writing online

what you believe are the 5 most important ‘rules’ for writing online

What I understand from my readings, is that one can control who reads the information you send. Your information must be interesting as readers may strait to feel bored or confused and log off. One has to be aware of:

1-Highlighting the important idea or word in your writing (use different colours or fonts to do this).

2-Use sub-headings ( when you explain the subject with sub-ideas).

3-Make sure you have one idea per paragraph (the reader does not like to feel overwhelmed or confused with too much information all at once).

4-Be sure your writing has correct spelling and grammar.

5-Use helpful links to other web sites.

6-Also, a layout that facilitated scanning (Readers can pick out information more easily from a list than from within a paragraph).

7-Use simple language, free from jargon and bias.

HTML tage

HTML tage

In this task we asked to record tutorials on HTML. The tutorial was helpful and explained every thing clearly. HTML tags are used for:

1-Changing the background colour or image.

2-Removing or replacing paragraphs.

3-Change text and background colours and styles.

I then wrote the tags in notepad. For my page, I named and designed my header in 'Photoshop'. I have chosen the background colour similar to that of the header, I formed two pages 'index.html' and linked it to 'linke.html' which has useful links.


Record any difficulties you encountered with these exercises. Record your thoughts about html - do you feel a sense of achievement? What are the differences between html and blogging? what do you like best?

HTML was easy and helpful to use for when I wished to communicate with others. HTML allows a person to create their own webpage or website, free from design and content restrictions.

HTML is dependent on case and letter specific words as multiple responses can arise due to this:






Blogs are useful for people who do not want to spent time to design, build and publish a web page (e.g. HTML takes at least month to design and build). Blogs enable users to create their own website in five minutes. It also gives them a chance to choose the background and font colours, header and header styles (5-7 options available). With blogs one does not have to think about publishing their page after completion, simply click the icon 'post'.

In blogs, however, one can only make one response, (for example: andaleepades.blogspot.com) not multiple responses like HTML.