Tuesday, July 8, 2008

search engine task

record the number of hits in your learning log, and compare to your first search. What differences did you notice? Why? Which search, on first glance gave you the most promising results?

My default search engine is Google (as illustrated below) and the number of results can be seen as 25,300,000 based on my word search. This search took 0.30 seconds.

However, when I used Copernic to search the same words the result was only 90.

The difference between these two results is due to Google being a web index; a general search engine. It is built by software called a robot, spider or crawler, as it collects information from web pages and stores them in the one database.

Copernic is a web director and can classify web sites by subjects. Copernic is more selective in its process, as opposed to Google's way of indexing information.

1 comment:

Vernon said...

Hi there Andaleep.

I'm just curious if the Copernic web based search is different to the desktop program we installed. Did you compare these?

Web based search at http://www.copernic.com

Desktop program from http://www.copernic.com/en/products/agent/download.html