Sunday, August 24, 2008

Boolean searching task

1-the biggest number of hits relating to these key words
2-information most relevant to what you ACTUALLY wanted to look for!
3-information coming only from university sources

I used the same key words (using internet tools), and the biggest number of hits was 25,300,000 for my search (as illustrated below):

If I want to begin focusing (narrowing) my search I can use several ways.
One ways is to:
1- Click on "pages form Australia'. Now my result has reduced to 277,000

2- I can choose "similar site" and my results become even more narrow, down to 28 similar sites.

3- I can also use advanced search to further narrow my search:
If I want information coming from university sources only I would use "Google scholar" icon.
Then click on scholar preference (illustrated below):

Once on scholar preferences, I can then enter a key world to continue my search:

I can now see all the results from UWA university:

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